We celebrated the achievements of our employees of the Lexington County Sheriff’s Foundation Awards Banquet last night. We are thankful for LCSF and all they do to recongize the hard work our employees put in for the community.
Another thank you to Brookland Baptist Church for being an amazing host!
Congratulations to all of our award winners! 👏
Special Recognition: Torrell Jones (not pictured)
Special Recognition: LCSD Honor Guard

Special Recognition: David Pritchard

Foundation Award: Regina Crawford

Explorer of the Year: Marissa Frances DeNucci

Outstanding Volunteer: Elizabeth Fortin

Outstanding Reserve Deputy: William “Bill” Gluvna

Outstanding Supervisor – Administration: Leslie Adair

Outstanding Supervisor – Detention: Ben Treaster

Outstanding Supervisor – Operations: Jeff Miller

Outstanding Judicial Services Deputy: Roosevelt Young (not pictured)
Community Service Award: Tyler Douglas

Outstanding Special Services Deputy: Taylor Sebben and Harry Stevenson

Outstanding Region Investigator: Jonathan Jeffcoat

Outstanding Headquarters Investigator: Brian Zwolak and Austin Sanner

Outstanding Civilian: Jody Clamp

Brian S. Mills Rookie of the Year: Ty Katz

Detention Deputy of the Year: Luke Keck

Patrol Deputy of the Year: Steven Rinehart

Employee of the Year: Derek Applegate