LEXINGTON, SC— A team of assessors from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. will examine all aspects of the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department policy and procedures, management, operations, and support services from June 28-30, Sheriff Jay Koon announced today.

CALEA will determine if the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department will maintain its status as an internationally accredited law enforcement agency. Accreditation is for four years, during which the LCSD has submitted annual reports, and participated in annual remote web-based assessments attesting continued compliance with the 459 CALEA standards. Lexington County Sheriff’s Department has continually maintained its accreditation since 1999. Obtaining international law enforcement accreditation demonstrates the Sheriff’s Department maintains high professional standards in providing professional law enforcement services.
As part of the assessment, agency personnel and members of the community are invited to offer comments at a virtual public information session on June 29, 2021, starting at 6 p.m. and ending after the last speaker is heard. The session will be conducted via Zoom. Please email Katherine Luvisi, kluvisi@LCSD.SC.GOV if you would like to participate in the virtual public information session.
If for some reason an individual cannot speak at the public information session but would still like to provide comments to the assessment team, he/she may do so by telephone. The public may call 540-797-5654 on June 29, 2021, between the hours of 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.
Telephone comments as well as appearances at the virtual public information session are limited to 10 minutes and must address the department’s ability to comply with CALEA Standards. A copy of the standards is available at the LCSD. Email Katherine Luvisi, kluvisi@LCSD.SC.GOV for a time and date to come to the department and review the standards.
Persons wishing to offer written comments about LCSD’s ability to meet the standards for accreditation are requested to write: Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement, Inc., 13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 320 Gainesville, Virginia 20155.
For more information regarding the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. please write the Commission at 13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 320 Gainesville, Virginia 20155; or call 703-352-4225 or email calea@calea.org.