Lexington County man charged with attempted murder after fight with family member

A Chapin man is charged with attempted murder for threatening a family member with a butcher knife and knocking the victim unconscious. Nicholas David Powlas, 42, also faces two counts of unlawful conduct toward a child because of his actions toward juvenile family members during the altercation Saturday, according to arrest warrants. Deputies said Powlas […]

VIDEO: Sheriff’s Department, church partner in peddling bikes to needy

The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department evidence unit has to hold on to some things, but one type of item continuously piles up: bicycles. “A majority of them are found property,” said Sgt. Doug Novak, who heads the Sheriff’s Department’s forensic services unit. “They stay here a minimum of 90 days for people to call to […]

Deputy becomes Lexington County’s first state-certified emergency manager

A longtime member of the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department has become Lexington County’s first Certified Emergency Manager. Lt. Billy Aiken used his free time to pursue something he’s seriously considered since nine people died in the Graniteville train derailment more than a dozen years ago. “The incident in Graniteville exposed the vulnerabilities and vast needs […]

Man charged with attempted murder

A Charlotte man has been arrested and charged with attempted murder after an altercation with a woman at a Lexington County apartment complex Tuesday morning. Christopher Scott Griffin, 50, is charged with grabbing the woman by the neck and choking her to the point of restricting her airway, according an arrest warrant. “The woman hit […]