Airport High student found with loaded gun

A 16-year-old Airport High School student had a loaded gun at school Friday. “One of our school resource officers found a .380 handgun concealed in a pair of shorts under the student’s pants after school administrators searched the student’s backpack,” Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said. “Administrators found substances that are believed to be illegal […]

Gaston teenager charged with attempted murder

A Gaston teenager has been charged as an adult with attempted murder in connection with the beating of an elderly woman. Demars Unique Randolph, 16, entered the victim’s Dixiana Drive home March 15 and hit her multiple times with a metal baseball bat, according to arrest warrants. Detectives said Randolph stole the victim’s car after […]

LCSD accepting applications for reserve deputy program

Twenty-one years ago, Lee Thomas answered the call to become a reserve deputy. “You have to have a burning desire to do it. You are wearing a badge and a gun and putting your life at risk and you’re doing it for free,” Major Lee Thomas said. “You really, really have to be committed to the […]

West Columbia man wanted on murder charge

Arrest warrants have been issued for a West Columbia man in connection to a fatal shooting last month. “Our detectives have determined Kevin Lawrence Pearson is a suspect in a Feb. 8 homicide on Princeton Road in West Columbia,” Lexington County Sheriff Jay Koon said. Pearson, 25, should be considered armed and dangerous, according to […]