Don’t get in a pinch!

St. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner. How do you plan to celebrate? Some celebrations may still look a bit different from years past. But, however you choose to spend the day, we hope you and your friends always find a sober driver to get you home safely. Don’t wait until it’s too late, […]

Recalls are safety issues

In the almost six years I’ve served as your sheriff, I’ve made sure we, at the Sheriff’s Department, are doing all we can to help make Lexington County’s roads safer. We’ve worked with the South Carolina Highway Patrol to respond to crashes and on enforcement initiatives to save lives. With that in mind, I want […]

Set an example of safety

Like little shadows–our children see and hear everything we do—and they repeat it. Following us around, learning from our example—slowly crafting who they are going to be when they grow up. It’s our job to show them how to be safe. I want to remind parents and caregivers that children should ride as safely as […]