Plan before you party for St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day has become one of the nation’s biggest times to celebrate and party. But unfortunately, too many people are taking to the roads after drinking alcohol making the holiday one of our most dangerous. In fact, 30 people were killed in drunken driving crashes across the nation during the St. Patrick’s Day holiday […]

Move over, it’s the law

Every day on roads across Lexington County, law enforcement officers and other first responders put their lives at risk in order to help save lives and keep people safe. Traffic-related incidents are the leading cause of death for on-duty law enforcement officers. We work in dangerous situations all the time, but drivers really increase that […]

Let’s work together against cyberbullying

National statistics on cyberbullying show many teens are subjected to it, while only a small percentage ever tell anyone about it. Youth who are being cyberbullied might feel helpless and feel they have nowhere to turn. Preventing cyberbullying needs to be a community-wide effort. Educators, school administrators, victim service providers, law enforcement, community partners, parents […]

Take a break to stay awake

It has probably happened to you. You are driving on a long trip, traveling alone or at night, or perhaps just off from a long shift at work—and you start to yawn.  Your eyes are heavy, the road seems to go on forever, and your vehicle veers.  You have just entered a danger zone. Drowsy […]