Checklist for your family emergency plan

In my previous blog post, I covered the importance of having a family emergency plan. Your plan should cover where you and your family members will go and how you’ll communicate when an emergency, such as severe weather or a man-made event, strikes. Everyone should have some basic supplies on hand in order to survive for at least […]

Make a family emergency plan

We’re a couple of weeks into hurricane season and the thought of a storm making its way to Lexington County should be more than enough to prompt you to come up with a family emergency plan. Hurricane Hugo was still packing quite a punch in 1989 when it blew through the Midlands on its way […]

Remain vigilant against phone scams

We continue to get a high volume of calls about phone scams. We’re hearing from people who’ve been called by fake IRS agents and law enforcement officers, among other things. A recent string of calls featured a scammer claiming to be holding family members for ransom. Fortunately, nobody had actually been kidnapped or threatened. The […]

Secure vehicles, trailers before travelling

We encourage taking a couple preventive steps before you leave for your summer vacation. These steps go a long way in making sure you come back to all your belongings and a house that’s safe and sound. When you leave cars at your home while away on a trip: Take your key; don’t leave it […]