Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number


    Please describe the nature of your media inquiry

    Terms of Service: I understand media inquiries will be sent to the Public Information Director for approval. Media inquiries are not considered official Freedom of Information Act requests and may be rejected or denied at the discretion of the Public Information Director. I understand that it may take up to three business days to receive a response.

    I accept terms of service

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)

      Your Phone Number

      Victim Name

      Incident Location

      Incident Type

      Incident Date

      Driver's License #

      State Issued

      Case Number (required)

      Terms of Service

      You must be the victim of the crime for whom the report was written. (South Carolina Law provides that a report must be provided to the victim of a criminal offense without charge.)

      You need the correct case number. Our case numbers are 8 to 10 digits long. The first two digits are the year with 6 to 8 digits after that.

      Erroneous information will result in the request simply being discarded. We will not make attempts to correct the information.

      We cannot provide reports involving juvenile or sexual assault victims. These must be requested in person at our office on Gibson Road in Lexington. You may also wish to contact the Victim Assistance Officer assigned to your case.

      Submission of false information to obtain reports is punishable by law, and will be prosecuted.

      The Sheriff's Department reserves the right to disregard any requests, at its discretion, without notice.

      I Agree to the terms of Service

      Tel: 803-521-9683


      Volunteer Chaplain, David Perkins, is a graduate of the Lenior-Rhyne University Columbia Public Safety Program. This 18-month program equips men and women to serve as chaplains for public safety agencies and features areas of study such as mass casualty response, spiritual care, pastoral theology and grief/mourning.

      If you are interested in serving as a volunteer chaplain, you can reach David Perkins at 803-521-9683, or email

      David Perkins graduating (second row, middle)