Lexington County Sheriff’s Department 521 Gibson Road Lexington, SC 29072 Telephone: +1 803 785 8230 FAX: +1 803 785 1162 | Mailing Address for Inmates: Smart Communications – Lexington County Detention Center INMATE NAME – ID NUMBER 7001 St. Andrews Road – #215 Columbia, SC 29212 |
Chief Gregg Shockley | Chief Deputy | (803) 785-8230 | gshockley@lcsd.sc.gov |
Major Hampton Taylor | Major of Operations | (803) 785-2557 | htaylor@lcsd.sc.gov |
Major Bob Rolin | Major of Administration | (803) 785-2496 | rrolin@lcsd.sc.gov |
Major Lee Thomas | Reserve Deputy Commander | (803) 785-8230 | blthomas@lcsd.sc.gov |
Major Robert Singleton | Detention Bureau Commander | (803) 785-2700 | rsingleton@lcsd.sc.gov |
Captain Adam Myrick | Public Information Officer | (803) 785-2415 | amyrick@lcsd.sc.gov |
Captain Robby Lint | North Region Commander | (803) 785-7692 | rlint@lcsd.sc.gov |
Captain Jesse Laintz | Major Crimes Captain | (803) 785-2480 | jlaintz@lcsd.sc.gov |
Captain Kevin Howard | South Region Commander | (803) 785-0816 | khoward@lcsd.sc.gov |
Captain Mark Jones | Community Action Team Commander | (803) 785-2549 | mjones@lcsd.sc.gov |
Captain Kevin Blackmon | Judicial Services Commander | (803) 785-2497 | kblackmon@lcsd.sc.gov |
Captain Lee Marshall | Commander of Administration | (803) 785-8230 | lmarshall@lcsd.sc.gov |
Captain Jenn Burns | West Region Commander | (803) 785-7515 | jburns@lcsd.sc.gov |
Inspector David Day | Professional Standards Division | (803) 785-2421 | dday@lcsd.sc.gov |

Tel: 803-785-8459
Personnel assigned to the Court Security Division are in place to protect the integrity of court proceedings, to uphold the rights of individuals before the court, to prevent violence against court personnel, and to maintain courtroom decorum. The process of securing court facilities begins with the security screening of individuals entering the Marc H. Westbrook Lexington County Judicial Center. This involves the application of security procedures and measures designed to deter, detect or prevent weapons and contraband from entering the building or areas surrounding the facility. Officers are responsible for patrolling the interior and exterior of the building and for monitoring individual courtrooms. Officers assigned to courtrooms provide safety for the judiciary, victims, litigants, attorneys, jurors, prisoners and the general public. Additionally, officers are responsible for maintaining the dockets for their assigned courtrooms, and for transporting prisoners to and from court on a daily basis.
Court Security officers, like other law enforcement personnel at the Sheriff’s Department, enforce municipal, county, and state laws, serve warrants and arrest suspects. Approximately twenty deputies and ten bailiffs are assigned to the Court Security Division.
Please remember that security is a necessary precaution for the safety of all persons who enter judicial facilities. Some of the precautions may not be understood by the general public and may cause delays upon entering the facility, so please be patient. In the event an emergency occurs while you are in the Judicial Center, remember to follow the instructions provided by Court Security officers.
Tel: 803-785-8611 or 803-785-2480
Tel: 803-785-2591
Tel: 803-785-2558
Tel: 803-785-8230

Your gateway to safety: Inside the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department front desk
LEXINGTON S.C. – As the doors of the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department swing open, a steady flow of visitors enters, passing through to a pivotal point: the front desk, which is the first line of communication for concerned families, legal representatives and community members.
At the heart of the agency are the dedicated individuals who greet, assist and manage the inquiries of those seeking information. It’s their job to provide access to loved ones and important information so those who live and work in Lexington County stay safe.
“At difficult times we may have to refer you to another area, but you will always have an answer,” said Kellie Matthews, who serves as the agency’s front desk manager. “Safety is our No. 1 priority; we make sure that we seek the help of our community members while keeping their information and lives safe.”
The team’s primary tasks involve issuing nonferrous metal permits, processing towed vehicles, fingerprinting, property checks and lining up funeral escorts, as well as information on bond court, major crimes, warrant division, noise ordinance and more.
“I take pride in ensuring every visitor receives prompt and courteous assistance at the front desk,” said Walker Spires, who serves as an assistant manager of LCSD’s front desk team. “We strive to create a welcoming environment while efficiently handling inquiries and requests.”
The front desk can handle as many as 350 tasks during a 12-hour shift on a weekday, including: issuing citizens release forms for towed vehicles, copies of reports and jail visitations. Additionally, the team serves as part of the warrant division and records division after hours on weekends and holidays. The eight-person team covers the front desk 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Working at the front desk can sometimes be challenging due to the diverse range of personalities and needs encountered.
“In everything, we empathize and try to hear where the individuals are coming from so that we can get them the help they need,” said Nicole Setree, who serves as an assistant manager at night of LCSD’s front desk team. “It requires a specific set of skills to ensure that each interaction receives top-notch customer service.”
Whether you have questions about law enforcement procedures, need assistance with legal matters or simply want to learn more about how you can contribute to a safer community, we encourage you to visit our front desk.
“Our mission to serve the citizens of Lexington County with top-notch service is the impact we want to leave on our customers,” Spires said.
Together, we can work toward a safer and connected community. Join us in making a difference at the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department. We look forward to serving you.
Tel: 803-785-2499
The primary objective of the Fugitive Unit is to promote the safety and well-being of Lexington County citizens by locating and apprehending wanted violent criminals, sex offenders and individuals who have failed to provide court-ordered child support. Investigators with the Fugitive Unit work with officers and detectives at the Sheriff’s Department to identify “career criminals” and make every attempt to apprehend these suspects. These investigations are not restricted to South Carolina, and the Fugitive Unit will track leads and information to other states and countries whenever necessary, and will coordinate the extradition of wanted suspects back to Lexington County.
Like other law enforcement operations, teamwork is essential to fugitive apprehension. For this reason, members of the Fugitive Unit routinely work with the U.S. Marshals Service and other local and state task forces to conduct fugitive raids to reduce the potential for future criminal activity.
The success of the Fugitive Unit is not possible without support and information from the public.
You can provide information to our Fugitive Unit, and other investigations personnel with the Sheriff’s Department, by clicking on the “TIPS”.
Any information you provide, including your identity if disclosed, will be kept confidential if you desire.
For more information about employment opportunities with the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department, visit http://joinlcsd.com or contact our Human Resources Division office at (803) 785-2407.
The Lexington County Sheriff’s Department is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Tel: 803-785-2400
The Telephone Reporting Unit can receive information over the telephone and complete an incident report without a deputy having to respond to your location. This service allows deputies to be available for priority and emergency calls. Personnel taking reports over the phone are trained in report writing and provide the same level of service as deputies responding to the scene of a crime. The process of filing an incident report can be conducted in a few minutes and should be for minor incidents where no evidence needs to be collected such as, harassing phone calls, fraud, vandalism, and stolen items.
Tel: 803-785-2463
Tel: 803-785-8611 or 803-785-2480
The Sheriff’s Department’s Major Crimes Division is staffed by four teams of detectives which work out of the department’s headquarters in Lexington. These detectives are primarily responsible for investigating violent crimes such as murder, rape, robbery and domestic violence. Additional detectives, who are responsible for investigating property crimes (i.e. burglary, larceny, etc.), are assigned to each of the Sheriff’s Department’s three regional offices.
The Major Crimes Division is also comprised of specialized units which perform tasks related to victim assistance services, crime scene investigation, domestic violence prosecution, sex offender registration, forensic drug / chemical analysis and latent fingerprint comparisons.
Detectives interview suspects and witnesses, make arrests, collect and evaluate evidence, and prepare criminal cases for trial. Detectives routinely work with law enforcement personnel from other local, state and federal agencies to share information and bring a quick resolution to all assigned cases. Each month, Sheriff’s Department detectives are assigned between 250 and 300 cases for follow-up investigation. Investigations personnel are available to respond to any incident or scene 24-hours-a-day. Many detectives attend community meetings and public events to explain the nature of their job and to provide an accurate view of their responsibilities and job functions.

Tel: 803-785-0814
The K-9 Team has six dogs trained for narcotic odor detection, human tracking, and patrol. Two dogs are trained exclusively for human tracking and one dog is used exclusively for EOD detection.
Tel: 803-785-2427

Tel: 803-951-2564
Lake Murray serves as a major recreation destination for citizens from across the Midlands region of South Carolina. The lake, which is over forty miles long and approximately fourteen miles wide at its widest point, is largely situated within Lexington County. In fact, Lake Murray geographically divides the County into two parts – separating the northernmost (Chapin) area from the rest of the County. The lake is also bordered by Newberry, Richland, and Saluda counties.
With more than 650 miles of shoreline and over 10,000 registered docks, on most weekends hundreds of vessels take to the lake to enjoy a variety of sailing, fishing, skiing, camping, and diving activities. Over the years, as Lexington County has grown, so has activity and the importance of safety on the lake. As a result, in the late 1980’s, the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department first began to provide for improved safety on Lake Murray by assigning an officer to patrol the lake (at least on a part-time basis) using a donated cabin cruiser-type vessel.
Later, with the cooperation of the Sheriffs from the other counties bordering Lake Murray and through the use of federal grant monies, the Sheriff’s Department was able to dedicate full-time law enforcement officers to patrol the lake. Additional equipment and boats were appropriated, and later, in partnership with the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, a centralized Marine Patrol headquarters facility was constructed on Lake Murray’s Bundrick Island.
The Marine Patrol now operates several boats on the lake, to include, two 25-foot Boston Whaler vessels outfitted with fire suppression equipment capable of delivering 750 gallons of water per minute to battle shoreline fires in support of traditional fire service personnel.
Sheriff’s Department Marine Patrol personnel patrol Lake Murray year round and are available to respond to emergencies on the lake at all times.
Captain Adam Myrick
Office: 803-785-2415
email: amyrick@lcsd.sc.gov
Tel: 803-785-2421
The goal of the Internal Affairs and Professional Standards Division is to ensure the integrity and professionalism of the Sheriff’s Department by investigating all allegations of serious officer misconduct, overseeing other complaints made against departmental employees and conducting administrative staff inspections.
A variety of complaints arise from various individuals and situations during day-to-day law enforcement and the investigation of criminal behavior. Often, these are misunderstandings that can be resolved by addressing the problem with an employee’s supervisor. However, when allegations elevate to the level of misconduct, the specialized investigators of this unit are utilized to gather information and determine facts.
In an effort to monitor and encourage continued adherence to all Sheriff’s Department policies, procedures, and high standards-of-ethics, this unit also conducts periodic administrative inspections. These administrative inspections and reviews are designed to ensure all employees are providing the quality-of-service demanded by the Sheriff and expected by the citizens of Lexington County. This service is critical as the Lexington County community continues to grow and law enforcement needs change and diversify.
The polygraph (“lie detector”) function also falls under the purview of this unit. Examinations are administered by a certified polygrapher for criminal and administrative investigations, as well as part of the agency’s pre-employment process.
If you would like to file a complaint regarding employee misconduct, please call the Sheriff’s Department at (803) 785-2421.
Tel: 803-785-2417
You may request an incident report by filling out the form below.
Tel: 803-785-2452

Tel: 803-772-4158
The mission of the Sheriff’s Department’s Traffic Unit is to promote safety through traffic law enforcement and education. The Traffic Unit is constantly evaluating traffic collision reports, community complaints, and road engineering issues to develop strategies that will most effectively increase traffic safety for the citizens of Lexington County. Some of these strategies could include traffic checkpoints, public education, or strict enforcement.
All deputies assigned to the Traffic Unit are certified through the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy as Traffic Safety Officers. This certification means that these deputies have been trained in many different areas to include Advanced DUI Detection, Collision Reconstruction, and Aggressive Criminal Enforcement.
The Traffic Unit has a dedicated team used for the reconstruction and investigation of major traffic collisions. The Unit is also staffed with several Child Passenger Seat Technicians and is the hosting agency for the South Carolina 11th Judicial Circuit Law Enforcement Network.

Tel: 803-785-2554
A key component to the successful operation of the Sheriff’s Department is the training of civilian, law enforcement, and corrections personnel. This is accomplished through the dedication and commitment of the agency’s Training Division staff who are constantly evaluating and modifying instruction provided during pre-service, in-service, and field training programs so that employees always learn the latest in law enforcement tactics and techniques. Officers receive ongoing training in the use of firearms, expandable batons, oleoresin capsicum (pepper) spray, defensive tactics, emergency vehicle operations, and criminal domestic violence. Other advanced classes offered to employees include Taser, Patrol Rifle, Radar Operator Certification, and Defensive Tactics Instructor Certification.
Training Division personnel also work to insure the proper working order of agency equipment through regular inspections and maintenance of weapons used to conduct law enforcement operations. The Training Division is aided by a group of volunteer training instructors made up of employees from throughout the Sheriff’s Department who are chosen for their expertise and knowledge of law enforcement operations.
All training provided by the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department meets or exceeds training requirements outlined by the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy.
Tel: 803-785-2499
The Warrant Division of the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department is responsible for tracking and serving warrants, subpoenas, and civil papers throughout Lexington County. Once a warrant is issued by a judge or magistrate, the warrant is delivered to the Warrant Division to then be served.
Warrant Division personnel then set out to locate and apprehend wanted subjects. Deputies assigned to the Warrant Division work closely with investigators and members of the Sheriff’s Department Fugitive Unit to coordinate resources and apprehension efforts. When serving particularly dangerous or high-risk warrants, the Sheriff’s Department’s SWAT team may also be called upon for assistance.
The Warrant Division is also responsible for serving civil papers to include Family Court bench warrants, evictions, executions, liens, and judgments for civil process.
Warrant Division personnel also transport suspects to and from other detention facilities for court proceedings and will occasionally travel out-of-state to extradite prisoners back to Lexington County.
Tel: 803-521-9683
Volunteer Chaplain, David Perkins, is a graduate of the Lenior-Rhyne University Columbia Public Safety Program. This 18-month program equips men and women to serve as chaplains for public safety agencies and features areas of study such as mass casualty response, spiritual care, pastoral theology and grief/mourning.
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer chaplain, you can reach David Perkins at 803-521-9683, or email dperkins@lcsd.sc.gov.