With great weather just around the corner, you’re likely to see more motorcyclists on the roadways. Or maybe you’re getting your bike ready to cruise the open road. Whichever the case, May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month and I’m here to remind you to share the road.
In 2018, NHTSA reports that 4,985 motorcyclists were killed. “The latest data on vehicle miles traveled shows that motorcyclists are about 28 times as likely as passenger car occupants to die in a motor vehicle traffic crash. Safe motorcycling takes balance, coordination, and good judgment” (NHTSA).
Drivers are encouraged to remain alert while operating a motor vehicle. Look twice before switching lanes, check your blind spots and utilize your side and rear-view mirrors properly. Always use your turn signals and come to a complete stop at intersections; give yourself enough time to thoroughly check for motorcycles entering the roadway.
SC law requires motorcycle operators ensure their bike is properly equipped with a rearview mirror in order to see behind them at all times (56‐5‐3650). They are also required to have eye protection and wear a helmet with a chin strap and be reflectorized on both sides if under the age of 21 (56‐5‐3660). Don’t just assume that a car or truck driver sees you, practice safe riding techniques like having your headlights on at all times.
Never ride or drive under the influence. Impaired driving is dangerous to everyone on the road, including passengers and pedestrians. It’s also against the law. Do your part to ensure every rider and driver makes it home safely by sharing the road.
Go ahead and enjoy those scenic drives in Lexington County.